Is four more? Find out below, and expect dark Wesleyness, a certain new Beast, and maybe an Apocalypse if you're lucky. He's back and he's as tormented as ever - you'll love it!
Deep Down Quick summary - The summer's been long and hard for Gunn and Fred, holding the fort at Angel Investigations which is now devoid of Lorne, Cordelia, and the main man (vamp) himself. Unaware of Connor's involvement in Angel's watery demise, the two of them believe their boss's son is likewise interested in seeking Angel out. Meanwhile, Wesley is the one who ends up rescuing Angel with a little help from his 'slave girl' Justine - however, his motives are unclear as he is still continuing his tryst with Wolfram & Hart's Lilah Morgan, who is newly promoted and extra evil. As for Cordy, she's bored in some otherworldly dimension place... Best quote - Gunn (to Connor); Daddy's coming home. And I'm guessing there's going to be a spanking... Comments - Is anyone with me when I say that this episode is the best the spinoff has offered in a good long while? While I am not the biggest fan of last season's finale, I am now so glad it happened because if it hadn't we wouldn't have got this fine specimen of episode goodness. It may be due to the excellent script (full of zesty one-liners) courtesy of Steven DeKnight, joining the spinoff from the Buffy camp, or the fact that the actors may be fresh for a challenger post-hiatus. Whatever the secret zingy ingredient is that makes this episode soar, I hope it continues to spice up the season. We pick up after the summer that was as usual, and things are in a shaky state. I liked the fact that Fred and Gunn were in charge for a change, and was impressed especially by Fred's development. Amy Acker managed Fred's more ballsy attitude brilliantly, and my big ol' crush on her is back on track methinks! New boy Vincent Kartheiser also shines, even if Connor is a little annoying. However, he provides conflict and (as a lot of this episode proves) drama lies in conflict. Alexis Denisof continues to wow the audience as a darkening broody Wesley - although I don't know what to make of him anymore, the developments of Wes are some of the most intriguing the show has seen in a good long while. And, as always, Stephanie Romanov is delicious - by God, am I glad she's been promoted (yay on her for beheading Linwood - can Gavin be next???). While there's little Cordy/Charisma (although the wait to see her in a non-dream form made her final appearance ever more hilarious), I'm sure we can expect some good stuff as part of Cordy's arc this year. David Boreanaz shows that he can pull off the crazy act and the whole father-to-son speech thing, and Angel's dreams hint at a darkness about the upcoming year that looks set to please. There was a lack of Andy Hallett but, as it's been confirmed he will be official regular material by mid-season, there's no need to worry. Away from the characters and actors, there was some great direction especially during the superbly crafted fighty scenes (props to the stunt people). All in all, this is undoubtedly my fave season opener of Angel and the best episode for ages. Can't wait for next week's, and I'm so glad I can say that! I'm smiling as I type this... :) Verdict - * * * * *
Ground State Quick summary - Angel crosses paths with a high-voltage kind of girl when he and the gang prepare to steal an artefact from a museum that could help him find Cordelia. Said girl has an electric touch - meanwhile, the sparks are still flying between Wesley and Lilah, and Cordy's still bored... Best quote - Fred (while planning the heist); I'm still working on a plan but so far it involves being sent to prison and being someone's bitch. Comments - This obviously wasn't going to match up to the premiere's standard, as that was such a flawless opener. However, Ground State is a solid episode even though it doesn't do much other than set up some of the upcoming season's plots and characters. First up, we have Gwen - shades of Faith anyone? A girl with attitude and not lacking in good looks, she also kinda reminded me of Bethany from Season Two (who I always wanted to reappear) yet Gwen's a little more stable and sassy. Mere Smith provided a lot of great sharp lines for her, and the actress (Alexa Devalos) has bucket-loads of charisma - therefore, I'm hoping (and kinda know already, hehehe) that she'll be reappearing in the season. New blood is always cool! Angel didn't seem to mind it either, what with the whole heart beating thing - a big question mark looms over that and I'm hoping to have it answered. I'm thinking that Gwen could have Angel tied all in knots this season, love-wise. The bad guys were boring, meanwhile, yet they were simple defeatable foes that allowed us to focus more on character development and storylines more so than on action this week. Cordy's still off in an etherworld (loving the last scene again! 'Deficient' - heeeee!) and, while I hope she's back soon, I like the dynamic of the new gang. Sure, we don't see much Connor in the dynamic this week (seeing as he's living on the streets, all abandoned, mwahahaha!), but we have a closer look at the Fred/Gunn relationship, and Amy Acker is superb! Okay, I'm biased but she works her acting chops off during the little rant that Fred has - while I don't agree with her anger at Gunn dying (which, I have to admit, was somewhat of a shock moment), Amy really conveyed the sense of a woman holding the fort and having to deal with too much. Aaaaaaaw! Angel, in particular, was interesting this week in his interactions with Wesley and Lilah - was his apology to Wesley genuine (and, therefore, a genuinely bad and insensitive apology!) or just a ploy to find info on Cordy, was that hint of darkness we saw in Angel's threat to Lilah (concerning Connor) a hitn at darkness in Angel's future and an end to the Angel/Lilah chat spars and, instead perhaps, a beginning to Angel, say, killing Lilah?! Hehehe, I hope not - Stephanie Romanov was excellent again this week, and Lilah's affair with Wes is getting more and more steamy, just as Wes's new mission and motives are becoming ever more intriguing. The actors all put in some good work this week, and this may be because there's plenty of great dialoguey scenes for them to sink their teeth into (excusing the pun!). Before I close, just gotta mention the scrumptiously creepy gargoyle demony thing that Angel goes to visit - a Tim Burton-esque scary little monster that commands the screen while she's giving her little speech. Props to the demon-making people! All in all, this is good stuff although it leaves a lot of open-ended questions about where this season is going. Hey, I know - let's all go to Vegas next week to see if maybe we can answer some of those questions? Or maybe just to win some dosh? ;) Verdict - * * * *
The House Always Wins Quick summary - To give himself a break from the grief caused by Cordy's disappearance and Connor's deception, Angel and the crew go on a trip to Vegas to see Lorne. However, all is not well in the glitzy casino/hotel where Lorne is a headline act, where destinies are being stolen and sold. Meanwhile, Cordy is still all high and powerful - but for long? Best quote - Lorne (on his 'Fluffy' code); Fluffy! Fluffy the dog. The dog you don't have. The universal recognised code for, I'm being held prisoner. Send help! Comments - And off we go to Vegas! There's something event-like about this episode, as the change in location adds a dimension of anticipation and excitement to the mix. It all starts off very well, with actual Vegas exteriors adding to authenticity and Andy Hallett's rocking two numbers stopping the show (showstopping, geddit?). The actors also seem to be loving the change from L.A. which is translated well on screen. However, all goodness aside, there seems to be something missing. While it's great to have the ever-hilarious Andy Hallett back as the green guy everybody loves, the whole thing seems to be a lightweight exercise in filler and an excuse to get the gang away from L.A. so they return to find Cordelia back. While most of the jokes and gags work (especially the extreme visual of a green Fred - yummy, which is quite weird!), they also seem somewhat irrelevant - while it's good for the show to give us a comedy outing, the villains could have been made more interesting somehow to give the thing some tension. And they needn't have bothered with the Wesley and Connor appearances which felt forced and out of place, just tagged on to give the two characters airtime. Also, there's some hoky continuity - wasn't Angel all broody when the Rat Pack were around and, if so, why was he out and about rubbing shoulders with them? It seems continuity is thrown out for the expense of some mildly amusing laughs. But I digress - I'm sounding negative but most of this episode is fine, one to watch for pure escapism on a Sunday afternoon or something. And, with Cordy returning all amnesia-like, it was probably a good idea to give us something light before all the turmoil begins again. Viva Las Vegas! Verdict - * * * 1/2
Slouching Toward Bethlehem Quick summary - Cordelia has returned to L.A. but has done so with some unwanted baggage - amnesia! Team Angel try to make her feel safe in the hotel but their attempted cover-up of Angel's true nature backfires, and she instead chooses to be with Connor during this difficult time. Meanwhile, Wesley and Lilah's 'relationship' is put under question, whilst Lorne's vision of impending apocalyptic doom is stolen by Wolfram & Hart... Best quote - Cordy (totally confused); I get it now. You're all spies, probably Russian, and...and you've brainwashed me and want me to believe we're friends so I'll spill the beans about some nano-techno thingie that you want. Comments - This is one of those episodes that makes me go 'hmmmmmm'. I'm sooooo glad that Cordelia is back because I've felt Charisma Carpenter's absence over the last few weeks, but I want snarky Cordy! Fun Cordy! Not memory-loss choosing-Connor Cordy - Charisma Carpenter does a relatively good job of selling her lines, although the whole amnesia thing is very soap-opera, but I hope the arc involving her amnesia is not drawn out for, say, the whole season! In fact, this is another episode that feels like it's setting up more stuff than it delivers - I mean, how many questions are there when it comes to the PTB and what they've been using Cordy for? There's almost too much baggage to describe. Anyhooza, let's get to the enjoyable aspects of this episode. First of all, seeing Angel Investigations from the view of an outsider (memory-loss Cordy) was hilarious and allowed for some in-jokey dialogue (loved the Sunnydale High yearbook thang) and fun-poking (Cordy's incredulous 'Am I a spy?' whilst looking at her various hairstyles, for instance). Also loved the developing of the Wes/Lilah 'relationship' (the two actors work real well together, and finally get to do something other than roll away in the sack), as well as the ominous 'slouching towards Bethlehem' Apocalyptic reading Lorne received from Cordy. Looks like there's some big evil a-brewing! Yay! That can only be good for the season. Where the episode is let down is in the gaping plot holes (why on Earth would Lorne let a human-eating demon into the hotel at a time like this? Very convenient!) and the new Cordelia - I hope she doesn't remain like this! Ah, only time will tell I suppose; and this is why the episode is a little disappointing. It feels like an exercise in getting Cordy on Connor's side, and I'm left wanting more to happen in the hour, no matter how sharp the dialogue is... Verdict - * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Fred is chosen to speak at a physics lecture when an article of hers is published and well-received. However, she is nearly killed by a demony thang at the lecture and soon all becomes clear that her old professor has some nasty sending-students-to-Pylea-related secrets in his closet. While Fred vows vengeance, Cordy returns to Angel after rejecting Connor's advances...
Best quote - Angel; They talk about me on the chatty rooms?
Comments - This is an interesting one, not least because Amy Acker demonstrates what a great actress she really is. We see sexy Fred, geeky physics Fred, vulnerable Fred, and the new dark Fred in the space of this one episode, and Amy handles it superbly. It seems there's some changes a-brewin' too, when it comes to her relationship with Gunn - her going to Wesley is significant, whilst Gunn's very unexpected (shocking, even) neck-snapping is sure to have consequences. J.August's turn here stands out too, while David Boreanaz provides some goofy comedy to lighten the mood (liking the fight with the demon). It's just a shame that the series seems to be losing its mission of 'helping the helpless', as every episode so far of this season has concerned the helping of people within Team Angel - I hope that the other non-Fred missing students are acknowledged in the future or that plot hole is just gonna bug me. While the Connor/Cordy coupling is questionable, I enjoyed Cordy more this week and her question to Angel at the end ('Where we in love?') was very teasing - I'm thinking, cliffhanger? Alexis Denisof is continuing his great job of adding layers to Wesley, whilst Stephanie Romanov is as delicious as ever as Lilah. All in all, this episode is a great achievement, addressing moral issues (the whole kill or not to kill vibe) and adding some fun stuff ('I'm holding your head') and intriguing characterisation to the mix. Well done to the new scriptwriters! And we get Joss next week - woohoo! It seems this season is on track to become a great one...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Spin The Bottle
Quick summary - Lorne initiates a spell he has been given that may restore Cordy's memory. However, very predictably, things go wrong when the gang revert to their high school personas...
Best quote - I'm gonna go with Cordy's reprise of 'Hello, salty goodness' upon seeing Angel or Fred's 'You got any weed?'. Hee!
Comments - This episode, penned and directed by none other than the famous Whedon, is a number of things; entertaining, joyful, amusing, various adjectives, etc. However, erm, it's not flawless at all. Sorry to say, but this is not up to Whedon's usual perfection in my view. First of all, haven't we done this already? The whole spell-gone-wrong-Tabula-Rasa thang? Okay, the age regression thing is a new twist but the farce elements are still very similar. A lot of the comedy, while funny, is sometimes on 'retread' ground. For Whedon's return to Angel, I woulda preferred a darker more plot-heavy episode - his last two Angel eps seem to have been stand-alones and this is annoying, seeing as he had such a big hand in plots over on Buffy in its first few years and we know he can write arc eps. All is not lost, though, no matter how much I moan - bad day, sorry! You'll notice this ep ranks higher than the previous three, and those weren't THAT bad at all so you can see I liked this episode. It just frustrated me at times with its frothy lightness, no matter how solemn the end was. The cast played it for laughs, obviously enjoying themselves, and the evidence is onscreen. Alexis Denisof receives a 10/10 rating for his performance here, showing us his range (from the darker Wes at the beginning to slapstick Wes, the buffoon we started the series with - he turns on a dime in an instant). Charisma also seems to be having a ball as snarky Cordy (yay, she's back, even if it is for just one ep) while David is amusing as twitchy Irish boy Angel - and who knew Fred was a stoner back in the day?! Lol. The dialogue is sharp, it all looks good, the jokes work, blah blah. Plus the ending (with the vision of The Beast's eyes) sets things up good for a darker arc. However, I just can't get past the fact that this is nothing all that new. The performances are excellent and Joss has penned a good character story, letting us see their former selves and putting things in place for the rest of the season, yet it just feels like filler in places. Aah, well, next week's sure to be that bit sparkier.
Verdict - * * * *
Rain Of Fire
Quick summary - All things apocalyptic are reigning their ugly head this week. Cordy's vision of an unstoppable Beast comes to pass, Angel and the gang falling foul to the monster's nastiness. Meanwhile, Cordy and Connor do the horizontal limbo when it seems the world's going to hell yet don't shut the curtains - oops, Angel sees it!
Best quote - Lorne; I hate to be the little demon that cried 'apocalypse nowish' but...
Comments - What a corker! Slightly marred by the fact that Connor and Cordy get it on (eeeeew - the world MUST be ending!), this episode rises above that little shortcoming to deliver us a feastitude of brilliance. Coming-of-Apocalypse episodes are usually very good but it's great to see the spinoff getting in on some of that end-of-world goodness! Charisma Carpenter seemed a little off this episode but I'm puttin that down to the fact that her character's a little bit of a question mark at the minute - hope we get some answers on the whole higher being thing. As for everyone else, BRAVO! Andy Hallett shines as wisecracking Lorne yet everyone else has got major trauma and angst to deal with - the Gunn and Fred conflict is very intriguing, action man Wes is just *cool* but he's still got the Lilah thing brewing elsewhere, and speaking of that foxy lawyer, she's all worried about the apocalypse. Angel himself finds out about Cordy and Connor - that's gotta be an interesting future father/son chat in the future! Can't wait! As for The Beast, woohoo - what a badass! Lovely jubbly impending naughtiness! That fight scene at the end is just the bomb, and I can't say enough about it! Mike Massa is da man! As you can tell from the excess use of exclamation marks, I lurve this ep. Can't wait to see how the apocalypse pans out - thanks Mr DeKnight for setting the ball rolling... :)
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Habeas Corpses
Quick summary - When snubbed by Cordy after his night of passion with her, Connor charges into Wolfram & Hart wanting answers on who he is and how he is connected to The Beast. However, said Beast bursts into the law firm and starts killing everything in sight. It is up to an unhappy Angel (who has witnessed his love, Cordy, and Connor doing the horizontal mambo) and his team to infiltrate the place to save Connor from The Beast and the zombified lawyers...
Best quote - Lilah; Gavin, ask yourself this question. What are you more afraid of, a giant murderous demon, or me?
Comments - Another solid episode, Habeas Corpses takes us into the heart of Wolfram & Hart and ends up with the lawyers 'dead men walking'. I'm just glad Lilah didn't get it! While the whole zombie thing is overused and cliched, it was perfectly creepy in places and also great to hear the mickey-taking (Connor comparing them to Angel, for example). The strongest parts of this episode stem from the relationships though, Lilah and Wesley's being the most interesting yet again - Stephanie continues to bring a touch of humanity to her evil-bitch lawyer, and Wesley becoming more complex and appearing to choose sides with Angel's team. The continued Fred/Gunn conflict and Wes's part in this is promising, whilst Angel's bombshell to Cordy at the end (something along the lines of 'take your new boyfriend and get out') made the whole Cordy/Connor sex shannanigans somewhat worth it. Hope the repercussions are lovely jubbly! Jeff Bell's script is suitably brimming with fizzy dialogue and an important piece of the puzzle here and there (the White Room girl revealing 'The answer is among you' to the group), and it's all very entertaining stuff. Although it's annoying that Angel Investigations never seem to have any walk-in clients anymore, as long as the quality is above average then I'm happy - and this season is running along very nicely...ooh, plus Gavin's dead! He was better as a zombie...
Verdict - * * * *
Long Day's Journey
Quick summary - The Beast is planning to blot out the sun by killing off various totems of a brethren. Gwen alerts Angel and his team to this and they attempt to stop it yet Cordy is having a hard time deciphering a vision of the Beast in the meantime...
Best quote - Various funny one-liners I can't remember so I'll go with Wesley's humdinger at the end; We need Angelus...
Comments - Another great piece of the mystery that is this humdinger of a season so far. OK, so I've used the word (?) 'humdinger' twice (now, three times) already in this review - don't judge me. I gotta say, though, that I love Gwen. Hope she sticks around - bring on the sass, man! However, part of me thinks she'll be Angelus fodder seeing as the sass that is Faith is returning very soon. And you did read that part of the review right - Angelus is supposedly coming back! Woo! I love the whole mystery of the Beast/Angelus/Connor connection, and totally didn't expect who the Beast was talking to in Cordy's vision. Hope Angelus is as deliciously evil as before! Saw a bit of nasty in Angel, actually, in his conflict with Cordy but it's not like I don't think Cordy deserved it - I actually prefer them at loggerheads than as love interests, and at least the whole Connor/Cordy sexhanigans has led to some snark between Angel and Cor. Cor still feels a little off and some questions need to be answered when it comes to her (what the hell went on with her over the summer and why is she back?) but I enjoyed her this episode - and, for once, she had hair that didn't blight the ep. Loved the Connor/Beast mini-face-off (especially that cool window-fall stunt) although I have to say the Gunn/Fred/Wesley triangle is boring me a little now - it was promising but it's lost amongst the bigger stuff, and needs some resolution. Also, no Lilah this ep - aaaaaw! And Lorne, although he's great, it would be great to see him get an arc of some kind to put that comic talent to use - all he ever seems to be doing is giving advice and making wisecracks. These little negatives don't affect the big picture, though; so far, this season is a stormer (see? I can say other things other than 'humdinger') and this ep was interesting. I may be Repeato Man now but I loved Gwen, the Beast is intriguing, the entanglements between characters was cool, Manny was funny in a 'yucky' way, the suspense factor totally rocks, and the whole Angelus thang is sure to make upcoming episodes rule this world! I can't wait...
Verdict - * * * *
Quick summary - Wesley enlists the help of a powerful shaman to take away Angel's soul, and he does so by providing Angel with a vision of an ideal world in which he defeats the Big Bad, makes up with Connor and Wesley, and beds Cordelia. But that's all a dream - and it works! Angelus (in all his cackling splendour) is back...
Best quote - Angel (after suggesting he find The Beast, and said Beast crashes through hotel doors); Oh, there he is...
Comments - Another great episode and one that returns that polite old Angelus guy back to us! Although it's a big fakeout, this ep gives us some scenes a lot of us have been waiting for (Wes/Angel making up, Connor getting along with Paps, Gunn and Wes being friendly to each other, Cordy and Angel getting jiggy, etc.) and it's all a fun trip through Angel's psyche as I'm guessing this is his ideal world, where he is a champion who defeats the bad guy and everyone gets along. The climax was fantastic and surprising (Angel gasping 'Buffy!') and it was chilling just to have Angelus chuckling. Next week's ep is gonna be sooooo cool! Back to the cool bits of this ep, and pretty much all of it reigned! There are still some major loose ends, mostly regarding Cordy and her vacation over the summer and why the hell she's back, but I just enjoyed the ride that this ep took me on and hopefully I'm gonna find the loose ends will be tied up eventually. All in good time, as they say! Dialogue, acting, direction - all went towards making a fab ep! I'm sick of complimenting the darn thing now so I'll be off. See ya next week...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Angelus causes conflict between the members of the gang, as they each separately interrogate him with him locked in his cage. However, things turn hairy when it turns out Angel's soul has been lost...
Best quote - Angelus (to Connor) When you think about it, the first woman you boned is the closest thing you've ever had to a mother. Screwing your mom and trying to kill your dad. Hmm...there should be a play.
Comments - Another great episode, this one less action-packed than the ones that came before it. Instead, we have the reintroduction of Angelus as he messes with the gang cunningly and nastily. I was surprised at how good David Boreanaz was at picking up Angelus again since it's been so long he's played the guy - I needn't have, though, because his performance here is just flawless. Boreanaz is becoming better by the episode in this season, and Angelus looks set to cause a few problems. It was nice to see the Fred/Gunn/Wes triangle move to the next level, Wes actually kissing Fred. The Othello imagery of Gunn striking Fred was a bit much but, otherwise, I'm looking forward to how this story pans out - great acting by all three, by the way. Speaking of fine acting chops, Kartheiser injects some much-needed sympathy into Connor - it's truly sad when he is affected so much by the dead family, memories of Holtz's dead-family story ringing in his head most likely. His scene with Angelus is played even better by Kartheiser though, Connor's character becoming more layered and complex with every line. Charisma's scenes with Angelus were also very cool. I'm loving it! There's not a lot of fighting or pyrotechnics this ep but the psychological games Angelus plays are much more intriguing. It could have been boring watching Angelus taunt everyone from a box but, thanks to Sean Astin's (the hobbit) directional skills and a script full of stinging one-liners from Angelus, the episode is simply brilliant. A must-see!
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Lilah emerges from the sewer, the only lawyer of Wolfram & Hart left standing, intending to set Angelus free to kill the Beast. Her plan fails yet Angelus does manage to free himself - however, he's not the one doing the killing when poor Lilah is murdered. Meanwhile, Fred and Gunn come to a decision regarding their relationship...
Best quote - Cordelia (referring to Angel to Lilah, after stabbing her); Why do you think I let him out, you stupid bitch?
Comments - Wow, this season is a shocker so far. The ending to this ep sees Lilah's end, something I'm annoyed at as I lurve Stephanie Romanov and what she brings to the show. However, you'd be thinking Angelus would be doing the killing - not our Cordelia. This latest twist was one I saw coming, not least because I was spoiled but also it seemed a little obvious in its own way. That's not to say the moment was very shocking - I wonder, is Cordy the Beast's boss? And was that whole 'amnesia' thing a big ol' lie and the PTB are not the good guys we think they are, using Cordelia for their own evil purposes? I can't wait to find out. However, I found this ep suffered from the fact that it was so obvious Angelus was going to find his way out. The rest of the ep (the whole spell thingy) seemed like an exercise in filling time. There were also a few illogical plot points that I hope are cleared up - such as how did Lorne 'tell' it was Angel singing when it was Angelus? The parts of the episode I did like, though, included some resolution to the Gunn/Fred/Wesley plot - Gunn and Fred are finished, it seems, and I can't wait for the eventual repercussions. There may not even be said repercussions now that Fred knows Lilah and Wes did the dirty. Back to Lilah, and I'm so glad she got to play a huge part in this ep even though it was her last - it was nice seeing her in the hotel, involved with the other characters, whereas we were so used to seeing her just talking to Wes or Angel. The slight Gunn/Connor friendship we saw during their mission to find that dude's skull was also quite nice after the season opener, where they were at each other's throats. The rest of the episode was cool but slightly confusing - I hope the ensuing episodes clear up all the loose ends. All I can say for now is WOOOOO! Angelus is loose and ready to cause carnage. Bring on Faith...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Quick summary - After feeling he failed to save Lilah from herself, Wesley is reminded of Faith and decides to let her know of the situation with Angelus. While Angelus is seeking out the Beast, Faith escapes from prison and returns to L.A. while the Beast's boss, our Cordy, lets Connor know some big news...
Best quote - Wesley (after Faith asks him if he's okay after their prison escape); Five by five.
Comments - It's slay time again, indeed! Faith and Eliza are back! Rejoice!!! Everytime Faith was on screen, I was totally enthralled and now I realise that she is indeed one of the best characters ever to grace either show. Eliza, of course, is one of the best actresses too so the return of both is a treat for all fans of the show - and she doesn't disappoint. While a little less of a wildcat, it's the Faith we know and love, only less murdery and more with the redemption. She still has that sass factor, though! Bringing her back was a stroke of genius, and I am actually now mourning the fact that the possible Faith spinoff has been scrapped. Ah well! If it hadn't been for Faith's explosive return, however, this episode would have been fairly average. Good, as average eps of this show are sooooo much better than most TV, but still average. I, for one, am glad that the Beast is history - he was beginning to bore me, his only redeeming feature being some kickass fights like the one featured during this episode. I feel it's time to make way for the evil Cordy, whoever she is - while Charisma isn't up to her usual acting standard, maybe she'll rise to the occasion during the upcoming episode now that it's been revealed she's a big bad. Carpenter's acting seems to have weakened due to the actress's real-life pregnancy which is a shame yet that real-life pregnancy has also offered up a new plot twist - apparently, Connor's gonna be a father! Eh?! While I'm not sure about this new turn in the story (mostly due to the fact that we had a big pregnancy thang last year), the final scene with Connor and Cordy was suitably creepy so maybe I'll be surprised. What I really want (besides MORE Faith and Eliza, of course!) is Angelus to get with the evil; David Boreanaz is clearly having a ball with Angel's alter ego yet Angelus hasn't DONE much yet. He's big with the wisecracking but that seems to be about it so far - I'm not criticising the writing because I feel that Angelus does recall the one we've seen before on that other show but I hope the following episodes incorporate some of Angelus's undoubted evilness. I wanna feel some shockwaves! Ah well. I'm happy with whatever happens in the near future because we've got our Faith for another two episodes on this show (five soon on Buff). Gotta say I'm sad at Lilah's death though, although it might just take Wesley to some new interesting places. Alexis's scenes with Stephanie during this ep were, as they have been all season, electrifying and revealing. 'Til next week...
Verdict - Would be * * * 1/2 but Faith's back - WOOOOO! * * * *
Quick summary - The Beast's boss chats in Angel's brain, threatening to restore the vamp's soul if he does not do as boss guy commands. Meanwhile, Wesley tries to get the Tazmanian devil Faith of old into the game, realising that Faith is not the bloodthirsty hellion she once was...
Best quote - Loved the Wes/Faith conflict but its too bulky to write down here. Runner-up is Lorne's 'It's the best nap I've had since the Apocalypse started' after being hit by a tranquiliser dart.
Comments - Another episode that is not without annoyances but another one that is saved from the very presence of the electrifyingly good Eliza Dushku. The big annoyance here is Angelus - Boreanaz is good but in any scene where he isn't terrorising the gang or trying to murder Faith, he simply is annoying. I think the writers got it wrong in having him drinking in a pub with his demon pals - from what I saw in the second season of Buff, Angelus would never be this guy. In fact, at times, he reminds me more of Spike than the Angelus we used to know, all chatty and 'how great am I?'. He really just pissed me off during the scenes where Cordy was speaking in his head. Shut the hell up, dude! However, his showdown with Faith at the end, complete with awesome stunt work and a shocking end, is simply awe-inspiringly brilliant. Reminds me of the third seasons days of La Buff where the fights used to be like mini Hong Kong action movies. It's all down to Faith, in my humble opinion! She so rocks, as does Wesley. In their scenes together, especially the frightening one where Wes stabs the junkie girl and doing what Faith wouldn't and the confrontation that follows it. We finally get that confrontation and its so worth it - having Faith back is wonderful continuity-wise because she provides a big link to the rich pasts of so many of these characters. She's not as sassy as she once was but she still rules. The Fred/Gunn stuff is less interesting but acted well while Connor's maybe-demonness is much more intriguing but not yet fully explored. The whole Cordy being pregnant thing may be good in the long run but, for now, its still too early in the game to judge it. All in all, this is an exciting episode that allows for some great Faithyness! And Andy Hallett's a regular now. Wooo! Hope he gets bigger storylines now.
Verdict - * * * *
Quick summary - With Angelus trapped in the hotel, Fred calls upon Willow, the only person who has ever restored Angel's soul. However, if 'Cordelia' has anything to do with it, Angel will remain Angelus - or get all dusty as a last resort. Meanwhile, Faith and Angelus revisit some moments in Angel's life while both high and unconscious on the 'orpheus' drug Faith injected into herself to capture Angelus.
Best quote - Faith (to Angel, after both have just witnessed a 1920s Angel save a canine); Dude, you just saved a puppy!
Comments - A great episode and one with our Will and Alyson Hannigan in the mix! While Smith writes Willow a little chirpier than we've come to expect her on that other show these days, I don't care - both the character and actress add a jolt of freshness to the show, and of course it means Willow takes Faith back to Sunnydale - woohoo! It's sad to see Eliza leave but her presence will be felt in Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Charisma Carpenter got back into her acting groove this episode - the scene where she attacks Connor and the final zinger are genuinely creepy, and now that Angelus is outta the way I can't wait to find out some answers regarding the whole higher power/pregnancy thing. And that's bound to create some brill conflict between father and son, Angel and Connor. Willow was essentially a spanner in the works for 'Cordelia' (the quote marks meaning 'It's not her' although dumb Connor hasn't worked that one out yet) and the sparring between her and 'Cordy' was mega-fun and made for some cool special effects. The conversations Will had with Wes and Fred were gigglesome, and you can tell that both Alyson and Alexis were enjoying sharing screentime. The head trip both Angelus and Faith went through made for some interesting flashbacks ('Mandy', hee!) and the Angel/Angelus showdown was a great visual representation of Angel's inner struggle. All in all, this is a great episode, resolving some issues but pointing towards the future toward some more...
Verdict - * * * * * (was gonna give it four and a half but, as this ep and the season in general have been so wicked, I thought I'd be generous)
Quick summary - While Angel and the rest of the gang attempt to find out all they can about Cordy's pregnancy and the Beast's master, Gwen calls on Gunn for some help thwarting a supposed murder plot.
Best quote - Wesley (to Fred, concerning his relationship with Lilah); It's not always about holding hands.
Comments - OK, so there's no denying that this is filler. There's no denying that it's really good either. While its sole purpose is to get from Story Point A to B (the discovery that Cordy is the Beast's master), it makes way for a nice little break from the big apocalyptic storyline of late and gives Gunn and J. some much-needed and deserved screentime. J. does a marvellous job and the scriptwriters give him some great material here - it's great for him to be suave and not just the 'muscle'. It's also great to have more Gwen action. She's a fab character, the actress is totally cool, and I really think she could inject some much-needed sass into the proceedings. I'm hoping she returns next season or even this season! It'll be interesting to see how the turn of events with her and Gunn will affect Fred, especially now Fred seems to be somewhat distant from Wes, not able to understand how he came to be with Lilah. Their scene together in the office is wonderful, a mix of great acting and subtle but powerful dialogue. Angel actually takes a back seat in this ep but Angelus has hogged the screen over the past few episodes so I don't have a problem with this. Charisma's acting lull seems to have ended, and she's back to being fab; I'm glad she's been discovered though, and it'll be great to see where the story goes. All in all, this ep gives everyone something to do and it's one fun ride even if it is filler-esque. Just enjoy the journey.
Verdict - * * * *
Inside Out
Quick summary - While Angel confronts a decidedly evil Skip about the recent situation with 'Cordy', the nasty thing posing as her is up to no good with Connor. In order to speed up her birth, she gets Connor to kill an innocent...
Best quote - Skip (after being shot in the head by Wes); Well, that ain't right.
Comments - Another brilliant piece of the puzzle, wonderfully executed by that DeKnight chap! His directorial debut echoes his writing skills, meaning it's a polished and very near-perfect production (the slow motion scenes of Connor and Cordy just before killing the girl being the most lavish, in my opinion). The story itself is also exciting, although I hope next season doesn't see another whole big pregnancy arc. The arrival of Cordy's cargo, though, looks set to kick off some action and I'm all for that! What about Cordy herself? In fact, this ep isn't one for answering many questions. It's a great journey through Connor's psyche (props to the amazingly good Vincent Kartheiser) and it sets up the remainder of the season. It also goes back to the start and changes the long-term viewer's take on the show, what with Skip being revealed as a bad guy. Also there's that whole fate scenario - has everything been planned from the start? It's all very intriguing. And I'm all for an episode that allows the wonderful Julie Benz to make a reappearance; granted it wasn't the Darla we know and love but I'll take what I can get. Overall, this is another step forward in a season of surprises. Kudos!
Verdict - * * * *
Shiny Happy People
Quick summary - While Cordy lies in a coma after giving birth, the Angel team and the city begin to fall under the thrall of Cordy's 'offspring'. The woman (apparently) says she wants to rid the world of evil yet Fred sees her true visage for a moment and begins to doubt the woman's nature...
Best quote - Lorne (showing Jasmine the hotel room he's decked out for her); It's, uh, it's too diva, isn't it? Diva, Deity, it's a thin line.
Comments - This episode answers few questions, proving to be one of the most puzzling in a puzzling season. However, it is very enjoyable and the introduction of 'Jasmine' is intriguing in droves. Gina Torres (of Whedon's 'Firefly') does a great job of making the audience understand why the characters would be so moved by her yet also chills the spines of the audience when we find out that, unsurprisingly, she's a nasty piece of work. The standout turn of the episode though comes from the ever-delightful Amy Acker as a Fred who is alone in her understanding of Jasmine's true nature, having glimpsed it. The episode does a good job of replicating the type of paranoid B-movie in which brainwashing is present, and Acker takes the audience on an increasingly desperate and traumatic journey. The final scene indicates that our Fred is in some deep trouble, and I hope the character does take the stage as I think it's been long overdue. It's sad that Cordy is relegated to coma-dom in this ep (and the remainder of the season, as I hear) yet Charisma got to stretch her acting muscles in the last couple of episodes so I think it's only fair that Acker gets a chance to show off. The other actors are funny and threatening as their characters become enamoured with Jasmine, especially Wesley (Denisof getting to try out bits of comedy again) and the Host (who spurts out the best one-liners even if he is brainwashed). While the episode doesn't clear up many of the long-standing questions that are yet to be answered, it is a fun ride and seems to be shaping up what is sure to be a brilliant climax to the fourth year.
Verdict - * * * 1/2
The Magic Bullet
Quick summary - Fred continues to flee from the ever-increasing threat of Jasmine. However, she eventually comes up with a way of unmasking Jasmine to Angel. Connor isn't so easily swayed, though...
Best quote - Jasmine (to Connor in a sweet voice, referring to three of her followers); I ate them.
Comments - A solidly great episode, and all thanks to Jeff Bell who wrote the oddball script and directed it too. It's wonderfully creepy and includes a wonderful dose of black comedy - loving that little finger-eating guy! Jasmine emerges as more of a threat and Gina Torres does a great job of making her frightening. Amy Acker steals the show once again though, and really makes the viewer sympathetic. Fred's method of unveiling Jasmine to Angel is ingenious and provides a nifty visual while the twist in the tale at the end involving Connor is very unexpected. You'll have to mind the incredibly short review but I don't really have anything else to say other than this ep is way cool! Woohoo! The next three better be just as good.
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Quick summary - With Connor and the whole of L.A. being under Jasmine's thrall, the gang go underground to escape being killed. However, they run into a gang of hapless youths who are trying to fend off a giant bug demon who may hold the key to ending Jasmine's reign...
Best quote - Lorne (as a woman under Jasmine's thrall attacks one of the gang); Soccer mom!!!
Comments - A nifty little episode that acts as a continuation of the Jasmine arc but also offers us a great creature feature to make us laugh and scare us! Props must be rewarded to the team behind the bug guy, and Jeff Rickett's voice work is brilliant. It'll be interesting to see next week how the demon's home universe, where Jasmine was worshipped previously, fits into the big picture. The threat in this episode remains to be Jasmie and Connor, though, both played to perfection by their respective actors. Gotta give kudos to Vincent Kartheiser though for making Connor, who's screwed up as hell, a really intriguing guy! While that's the threat, the big theme of the episode is unsurprisingly sacrifice. It's touched upon via various instances in the episode, from the demon's literal sacrifice and Angel leaving Connor behind to Fred and Gunn killing the former's professor and Angel leaving his friends at the end. This makes for an interesting episode, and it's great to finally have Gunn and Fred discuss their murdering ways. We'll have to see if any sacrifices are made in the next episode which would make this one more resonant. However, if not, the episode still works on its own and is a great debut for writer Ben Edlund. It's not the best episode ever, though, but then again it has a lot to live up to in a season that has rocked my boat...
Verdict - * * * 1/2 |