My Fave Links
Luke'Buffy's Boy' presents... Home Page

Season Six Buffy

Season Seven Buffy

Season Three Angel

Season Four Angel

My Fave Links


Can't get away quick enough, eh?
They're much bigger and more visually exciting - no, I'm not talking penis envy here, you filthy peeps! I'm talking sites. If you want more than info on the latest eps, there are a few links down below to help you out on your search for more varied pleasures...

Luke's Buffy/Angel Links
Luke's Buffy/Angel Episode Guide This, my debut site, features a page devoted to links to impossibly large, frequently updated and devoted sites dedicated to the shows. Just look to the left side of the page at the menu and click on the last link entitled 'Luke's Buffy/Angel Links'. You could get lost for days...

Luke 'Buffy's Boy' presents...
Luke's Buffy Bitz A site devoted to all things Buffy - not just the episodes. Containing news updates, trivia and quizzes, info concerning the cast, and all the latest, this is one you won't want to miss...

Luke's Los Angelus Coming soon! Want more than pithy episode descriptions? Get your butt over to this site, which has a plethora of Angel related-info...

Phoebe's Palace Coming soon! Off-topic but still TV-related, this site is devoted to the ditzy blonde one and her show Friends.