Luke'Buffy's Boy' presents It's Slay Time Again!
Luke'Buffy's Boy' presents... Home Page

Season Six Buffy

Season Seven Buffy

Season Three Angel

Season Four Angel

My Fave Links

Cordelia; What are you, deficient? GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!

Anya; You feel really responsible? You ARE really responsible...

SITE LAST UPDATED - 04/05/2003
The Sitch
If you've been to my debut site, I don't need to explain what's going on here - but I'll welcome you anyway, just as I do new visitors. This is my second site devoted to the episodes of the hit shows Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel. While you may have gotten nostalgic whilst reading at my first site, this site should interest those of you who are looking for something new to nibble on (really bad pun there, anyone?). Concentrating on the new seasons of the brilliant and fantastical shows, this site will review each one and give it a rating. I've recently scrapped the 'Comments' and 'Top Ten Episodes' pages, as they weren't doing much business at all. However, expect new features soon! I've also added new pages in preparation for seasons numero seven and four! :) So pleez take a look around and enjoy this baby. ;)


Ooh just a P.S. kinda thing - it's not in the 'Links' page yet but I have a new site dedicated to the females of BtVS and Angel. Check it out at;
Glenn Quinn (formerly of Angel) passed away on December 3rd of 2002. Very sad news but we can look back on the Doyle episodes with fondness...

Check out Julie Benz in Taken on BBC2 in the UK. Our fave lady vamp is struttin her stuff in the new Stephen Spielberg epic and is struttin it very nicely...

Angel's Amy Acker (check out the A's) is a big fan of teddy bears and has a stuffed bunny rabbit on her bed that she's owned since childhood. Big aaaaaaaws - and big 'arghhhhhs' from Anya...


Recent Bite (oops!) Updates
ARGHHHHH!!!!!! Long time, no update. Sorry! However, the new seasons of both shows (Seven and Four, respectively) are just beginning to air in the UK. There are a few new reviews up already and you can expect more reviewing action in the coming weeks. Also doing some work on the previous season pages as well, just so ya know! As Fred would say, 'There's work to be done' so please be patient and you'll see that the site will be better for it. Be good and don't do anything I would, you brilliant people... ;)

See ya soon

On The Pulse (Bad Pun)
Very very latest news regarding recent show developments.

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER TO END! The last episode will be entitled 'Chosen' and will be penned and directed by Joss Whedon.